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How To Ping Everyone In A Discord Server Without Permissions!

I'm not the original author, im just posting this.

  • First thing, you need to go to 2 in the browser and open the developers tool windows by pressing f12 or shift + ctrl + i → Console.

Once you're in the console, you will need to paste this code:

function FindModule(item)  {              var req = window.webpackJsonp.push([[], {'__extra_id__': (module, exports, req) => module.exports = req}, [['__extra_id__']]]);                 for (const in1 in req.c) {                  if (req.c.hasOwnProperty(in1)) {                      const m = req.c[in1].exports;                      if (m && m.__esModule && m.default && m.default[item]) return m.default;                      if (m && m[item]) return m;                  }              }  }     let amount = 60;  let guildid = "GUILDIDHERE"; // The Guild (Server) ID where you want to do it, MAKE SURE YOUR DEVELOPER MODE IS ON  let channelid = "CHANNELIDHERE"; // The Channel ID Where You want to spam mention, MAKE SURE YOUR DEVELOPER MODE IS ON  let interval = 1000;   let message = "message "; // The Message You Want to add under the mentions  var memberList = FindModule("getMembers").getMembers(guildid);     setInterval(function()   {        let users = "";        for(var index = memberList.length - 1; index > 0; index--)        {         var rndIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * (index + 1));         var temp = memberList[rndIndex];         memberList[rndIndex] = memberList[index];         memberList[index] = temp;        }         memberList.slice(0, amount).forEach(member => {                  users += `<@${member.userId}>`      });      FindModule("sendMessage").sendMessage(channelid, {content: `${users} ${message}`});  }, interval)  

But before pasting it we need to edit few values

let guildid = "GUILDIDHERE"; // The Guild (Server) ID where you want to do it, MAKE SURE YOUR DEVELOPER MODE IS ON  
  • In the GUILDIDHERE you will need to paste the guild's ID. If you don't know how to get the guild's, follow these steps:

  • Then to get the guild's id you need to right click into the server avatar and press "Copy ID"
let channelid = "CHANNELIDHERE"; // The Channel ID Where You want to spam mention, MAKE SURE YOUR DEVELOPER MODE IS ON   
  • Then we will need the channel's id, same thing go to the channel then right-click on the channel's name and press "Copy ID"
let message = "message "; // The Message You Want to add under the mentions   
  • Then if you want to put a custom message just edit "message" with your message(e.g) "Hello bla bla"

  • Now you can paste the script then it will mass ping everyone in the server. To stop it simply refresh the page.

Happy learning!


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